If you can't change the girl ... change the girl … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

In life ... we want all sorts of weird things.

I am ... this profile also.

And one of the most weirdest thing which I've always wanted was to ... change the people from the scene of my life.

... especially the ones which are close to me.

I do that all the time.

I know is stupid.

I know it is a total nonsense ... but ...

I continue doing it.

And actually ... i could even say that i try to re software those persons.

Brainwash them ... and ... install a new mental software which I believe is better for them.

So ... imagine how idiot i can be.

Imagine .... how much i fight to do that.

And ... i do this ... by years.

But ... i have the gut to admit it.

Also ... that i am an idiot doing it.

I smile.

Someone once asked me ... "what do you really want?!" .... but i couldn't understand the question.


My mind always thought .... Things are much more complicated as i thought.

So ... i didn't stoped myself.

Fortunately ... one day ... when i was at a coffee shop with some friends ... i've heard a guy complaining about his girlfriend ... and explaining to us with 1 million words .... how he was actually trying to convince her ... to change.

One older guy ... very wisely replied ... "If you can't change the girl ... change the girl ... "

We were all .. shocked.

One sentence ... was redefining all.

Cause ... yes ... it is useless to change people.

It's stupid.

... really, really stupid.

I've suddenly realised that i've wasted so much time and energy ... trying to "fix" the people around me.

Illusory believing ... it was the right thing to do.

I could simple .... disconnect ... and find other people .... which could match better with my profile as a human.

... with my values.

And ... with my whole philosophy of life.


Of course ... i was not wise enough.

No ...

So ... my life continued ... wasting my existence ... and all my time and energy ... to change souls ... which were not really ready to change.

Like ... an idiot.

... having into my soul the illusion i am sort of a god ... and i have such a right.


Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com



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